There are nights when things go bump and awaken you in fear.
Is it a burglar, is it a ghost or is it just a dream? With a
flick of the light switch, you would know whether you'd be
scared or not. I wish it's that easy....
It is never easy when Uncertainty goes bump in the middle of
the night, right between wakefulness and sleep - when you are
one step closer to dream zone...
Uncertainty comes in bearing questions that burn inside your
head and decisions take two confirmations instead of one but
you just can't let it go and it won't leave you in peace
Uncertainty takes you to Dante's hell-- to the seventh level
called Limbo. Pitch black and cold, nothing to do but to sit
and hug yourself as it drains your happiness and all good
memories are sucked out until you feel empty...
The burning questions cast off a soft glow of fiery
Do you see this "thing" as something
Would it be long-term?
What is the next step?
What are the risks and sacrifices?
Is this out of love or out of fear?
It is a trial by fire, they will burn you if your intentions
are not true. Truth is a ruthless friend and can hurt you
like a foe but it always rejoices in the right.
Courage, please come with your armor. I am ready now. Is Time
on my side?