Contraceptives, much like cigarettes, are generic, over-the-counter commodities which vary in their purpose according to the buyer's perspective but in truth, the former is to protect and the latter, to kill. However, for the others, it is the other way around.
After reading the provisions of the said bill, I'm really wondering how the religious sector understands this. It was clearly stated over and over again that we have a choice in accordance to our religious beliefs and such. Am I not seeing the big picture or is this another "justification behind the cross"? Do I allow myself to be dictated when it comes to pro-creation or raising a family?
Somehow, reading such melodrama on crying for peotic justice from one of the Bishops has raised my eyebrow to the roof:
“The RH bill is against life (and) so much young blood (would be) shed. May our leaders not give the Divine Child the same Herodian gift of 2,000 years ago: death of the innocents,”
If I remember correctly, Herod mandated all the first borns to be killed, thus, literally, the bloodshed it had created. I wish they can widen their perspective and try a little empathy. For just a moment, try to be in a woman's shoes -- try to be in mine.
As a born-Catholic, I wondered if people join such groups to be closer to the Almighty or is this just a hierarchal need to belong? My relocations gave me the opportunity to interact with various religions. I've realized that your connection to the Supreme Being will nurture you rather than the congregation. My spirituality anchors me and it's the same spirituality that guides me in making decisions.
As an "ex-Sociologist", I have witnessed malnourished mothers and children in most rural areas. These women are neither empowered nor educated about their rights to proper health care including family planning. Children are prone to disease and some have to earn at a very young age. These people are the focus of the RH Bill to alleviate the impoverish conditions. Delaying the enactment proves to be more deadly.
As a Course Developer, I am looking forward to learning programs that will enlighten individuals about rights and responsibilities as citizens. The term "Sex Education" have been misconstrued as if it's going to teach a person how to have sex. i believe that a "Family Planning Program" should include the importance of family, pro-creation, gender equality and empowerment. Let us not teach people what to fear or avoid, let us teach people how to make the right decisions.
As a woman, I have the right to realize my potentials in my career, parenthood and marriage. I am defined by my actions in accordance to my values and not of organizational affiliations. I have the right to understand unbiased information and to choose accordingly. My choices are based on free will and not of fear.
I personally support this endeavor and to those who are against it, I respect your reasons. Please make sure that your choice is based solely in your own perspective and not because of other people's.
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