Saturday, 15 September 2012

Here's to you, Woman!

There are times when tears won't stop falling and the mirror is not your bestfriend.  There are times when you don't fit in because you are simply different. There are times when you feel it is hopeless just because no one is there to warm the nights or to send flowers.  So typical yet so true.  

Being a woman is such an ironic feat, you have to be strong and gentle at the same time, freaky and lady-like, empowered and submissive.  No wonder some of us are going crazy. 

The society's concept of beauty has devastated a number of self-esteem that we find ourselves along the aisle of beauty products.  Kudos to those women who have found their inner beauty and are comfortable in their own skin.  For the others, we are still a work in progress.  

This is for all the women of the world and a reminder to myself... 


As. you. are.
Stronger than you know.
More beautiful than you think.
Worthier than you believe.
More loved than you can ever imagine.
Passionate about making a difference.
Fiery when protecting those you love.
Learning. Growing. Not alone.
Warm. Giving. Generous.
Quirky. Sexy. Funny. Smart.
Flawed. Whole. Scared. Brave.
And so, so, so.much.more.

Be Strong. Be Confident. Be You.

Thank you:  Tia Sparkles Singh, 2011

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