The tendency to neglect such conveniences might be human nature or might be culture -- for this I believe it is somewhere in between. I have noticed that some people would rather look at their phones than communicate face-to-face. The new generation is more acquainted to various applications and gadgets yet has little awareness about their surroundings. To catapult a raving red bird towards a group of green, greedy pigs is addicting, to use a slingshot and stealthily aim at big, bad bullies is exhilarating. Such an irony to see that as technology expanded, the more boxed in we are.

My grandmother calls me old-fashioned and it is actually a compliment -- good intention, wrong terminology; "Old School" would be a better term to use. My era has given me the opportunity to create something from scratch -- paper dolls, beaded necklaces, friendship bands. My legs still bear the marks of my adventures in tree climbing, the over-the-wall escapades and getting into trouble. Permanent badges of a daredevil childhood.
The limited technology has developed my curiosity for new things, resourcefulness, creativity and imagination. While people enjoys ransacking the green, greedy pigs' territory, I wonder if they have seen one up close or even fed them. Office jerk is a game that allows you to simulate throwing a piece of paper to a nerdy dude and I must confess, as I enjoy the virtual jerkiness, I actually been one.
These gadgets are awesome, the technology has been helpful yet let us remember what makes us human. Relationships, communication, touch, feel, smell, sight, taste! We are organic beings so let's get out of this virtual reality and be in the moment. Bask under the sun, dance in the rain, tickle your kids, throw mud at each other. No one can take away these memories and the experience is free. So shut down your computers, turn off the TV sets, hide the tablets, get out and have a date with the world...
Which is actually what I am going to do.... just... about... NOW.
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